coaching - living optimally

Coaching is a partnership. You are an active participant in the content, direction and destination of our journey together and beyond. It is about initiating and maintaining positive change, defining and achieving goals naturally realising more your potential. Our sessions are about inspiring and motivating you to get the very best out of you. To enable you to make decisions that will improve your quality of life. To develop strategies and flexibility in different areas of your life. To take you from where you are now to a point in the future which is more fulfilling.

I will ask you questions which raise your awareness. Questions that send you thinking beyond your normal patterns.Questions to bring out the answers inherent in you. Questions that help you decide on a personal course of consistent action to realise your goals.

coaching period

A minimum 3 month period is recommended. Although you can get results and build from the very first session, you gain most momentum from taking action towards your goals on a weekly basis. Combine this with re-focussing and acquiring new skills and you have the recipe for dynamic and wonderful results. Most people begin with weekly sessions. Some clients choose to work weekly for the whole period. I occasionally coach people for a one month period if that is appropriate.

why choose coaching?

  • there's got to be more to life than this!

  • for personal or professional growth.

  • improving relationships

  • achieving more easily

  • for a complete life overhaul

  • a breakthrough session

  • defining your goals

  • realising your potential

  • applying the law of attraction

  • achieving the next level - sports, business, creative skills

  • enjoy being all you can be