healing and the mindbody continuum

Mindbody skills can be beneficial in all dis-eases and conditions. Both in alleviating symptoms and getting to the root cause of any illness. There is much evidence now that stress is the underlying cause of most dis-ease. Many doctors and scientists are understanding the power of the placebo effect and also realising the benefits of creative visualisation in guiding the body to heal itself.

Modern scientific discoveries support that sensory visualisation is a way to communicate in the language of the body. This has been widely used by healers through the centuries. Neuroscientists have confirmed that when you imagine something vividly you create an engram - a neurological pathway - exactly the same as if what you imagined had actually happened. Neuroendoimmunologists have discovered this also applies at a cellular level and can be used in recovery and healing. We can use this knowledge to amazing effect transforming the body's chemical and cellular patterns.

Surgeons and doctors including Bernie Siegel, Andrew Weil, and pharmacologists and neurobiologists such as Dr David Hamilton and Candace Pert have lent much credence to mindbody techniques in healing. The BMA now endorses the power of hypnosis in pain relief. Please call if you want to find out more. contact

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