
create a manual for your brain

On the day of performance, the most important element is your state of mind. Yet what percentage of your preparation time is spent on finding your zone for peak performance? When mind, body and emotions are in balance, working in harmony, you experience the alchemy that creates magic. When you enter your 'zone' you weave a spell for the audience. You open a door and invite them to go on an adventure with you.

Together we will develop strategies which allow you to create that experience. Strategies for optimum preparation, peak performance and post performance. We will look at how to access the right brain wave states for peak performance, giving you more choices. We will raise your awareness of how your thinking either blocks or empowers you. You can create sensory triggers and programme states in advance. You will discover how to use creative visualisation to help you do more and speed up the process.

There are now powerful psychological techniques which you can use to maximise your potential. Scientific studies with sportsmen have shown that visualisation stimulates the exact nerves and muscles you use when actually doing what you are imagining. You can use creative visualisation and mental rehearsal to program your ideal performance. To wipe out old patterns and habits. To embed memory. To find the balance of centred poise. To increase confidence. To enhance musical and artistic expression. o consider your performance holistically, so you present yourself as the complete artist.
"When we are well prepared instrumentally and truly open to the experience, we are in a very true sense merely vessels through which the music flows. We have to acknowledge a force greater than ourselves" - Arnold Steinhardt
Auditions and competitions bring different challenges and often trigger limiting beliefs and higher anxiety. They require more imagination and mental preparation, strategies to allow you to feel comfortable and begin to enjoy them as performances.

There is an expression "practice makes perfect." Actually practice makes permanent! Perfect practice makes perfect. You can achieve more in your practice time by setting clear goals and using mental rehearsal. State management and positive evaluation allow you to grow and move beyond your current perceived limits.

Sometimes it is 'life issues' that get in the way of your performance. Using a more therapeutic approach we can dissolve trait anxiety, low self-esteem, emotional barriers and wipe out the effects of less successful or even traumatic performances. You will learn methods which allow you to put life issues on one side for the duration of your performance - and equally to help you leave work at work when you go home! You will also learn methods to enhance well-being, so essential for the demands of the performer's lifestyle

imagine how it feels to

  • perform your best

  • achieve more in practise

  • improve concentration

  • communicate more to the audience

  • dissolve nerves

  • tap into your zone

  • trust memory

  • perform well under pressure

  • enjoy spontaneity

  • feel more prepared

  • move beyond stagefright

  • switch off self-talk

  • be more confident in auditions/competitions

  • connect with your confidence

  • put what you practise into practice during performance

  • handle criticism positively

  • dissolve anxieties over past performances

  • easily re-focus

  • memorise quickly and surely

  • enjoy your performance

  • accelerate learning

  • make friends with the butterflies

  • overcome obstacles that spoil your performance

  • be more present

  • find life/work balance

  • be comfortable and grounded
